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REC: Song of Songs

REC: Song of Songs

To many of us, Song of Songs is a puzzling book. Often we're not
sure whether we should read it as romantic poetry or as allegory, and an answer
either way raises new questions. Why is a love poem a whole book of the Bible?
If it's allegorical, what are we to make of the imagery used? And if
we're not married or dating, should we be reading this book at all?

As a part of Scripture, Song of Songs is God-breathed and useful to
instruct all Christians, single or married, divorced or widowed, straight or
struggling with same-sex desires. Pastor-scholar Iain Duguid steers a middle
way between allegorical and literal approaches, showing that this book's
celebration of the love between a man and woman can not only shape our thinking
about human relationships but also give us profound insight into the love that
Christ has for his bride, the church.

Recommended € 22,90

REC: Song of Songs


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